Okay, let’s be real. We’ve all had those days where it feels like nobody cares. Your BFF didn’t text back, your crush ignored you, and even your dog seems to prefer the couch over you. It’s like the universe sent out a memo: Let’s make her feel invisible today! Rude. But before you spiral into a sad playlist and start Googling ‘how to become a hermit,’ let’s talk about what you can actually do to shake off this funk and remind yourself that you are, in fact, incredible (even if the world is being a little slow to catch on).
1. Reality Check: Is This Feeling Lying to You?
That voice in your head telling you no one cares? Yeah, it’s about as reliable as your phone battery at 2%. Feelings aren’t always facts. Just because you feel unloved doesn’t mean you are unloved. Take a deep breath and question those thoughts.
2. Get Off Your Screen and Into Real Life
Social media is a highlight reel, not real life. Scrolling through pics of everyone else thriving will not help your case. Put the phone down. Take a walk. Make some tea. Do a dramatic hair flip in the mirror. Trust me, it helps.
3. Write a Letter to Your Future Self
No, this isn’t some cheesy self-help thing (okay, maybe a little). But think about it, your future self is out there, thriving. She’s figured things out, she’s laughed at this moment, and she knows you are loved. Write her a letter, and she’ll thank you later.
4. Be Your Own Hype Squad
No one gassed you up today? Do it yourself! Hype yourself like you would your bestie: Girl, you are smart, you are strong, and your eyeliner is ON POINT. Say it out loud. Yell it if you have to.
5. Make a ‘Proof of Love’ List
Write down every single time someone showed you they cared. That one teacher who always smiles at you? Counts. That one time your sibling didn’t roast you? Counts. The barista who remembers your order? You guessed it, counts. Love is everywhere, sometimes we just forget to notice it.
6. Do Something That Makes You Feel Powerful
Sing, dance, paint, run, punch a pillow, whatever makes you feel like the queen you are. The goal? Get out of your head and into your power.
7. Reach Out Instead of Retreating
I know, I know. When you feel unwanted, the last thing you want to do is text someone and be like, “Hey, can you validate my existence real quick?” But connection is a two-way street. Send that meme. Check in on someone else. You’ll be surprised how much love comes back.
8. Laugh (Even If You Have to Force It at First)
Watch the dumbest, most ridiculous TikToks. Stalk your own embarrassing Facebook posts from 2014. Laughter = instant mood booster. Science says so.
9. Channel Your Inner Main Character Energy
You are not a side character in someone else’s story. Get up, play that dramatic playlist, and walk through your room like you’re the lead in a coming-of-age movie. Trust me, instant confidence boost.
10. Remember: This Feeling Won’t Last Forever
You will not feel like this forever. It might take an hour, a day, or a week, but you will find your spark again. And when you do, you’ll laugh at how dramatic you felt (which is totally fine because, let’s be honest, being a little dramatic is part of your charm).
So, what’s your go-to trick when you’re feeling low? Drop it in the comments, let’s hype each other up!